Saturday 29 June 2013

Nigerian student graduates with 5.0 CGPA in Russian University

A Nigerian student Victor Olalusi has emerged
the best graduating student with a grade point
of 5.0 in the Faculty of Clinical Sciences at the
Russian National Research Medical University,
According to his friends, Olalusi previously had
the best WAEC result in 2004. JAMB Best Science
Student (JAMB score 322) - 2006. Cowbell Prize
Award - 2006. Medicine First Merit list (OAU) -
2006. Highest OAU Post UME (score - 325) -
2006. Federal Government Scholarship (Medicine
and Surgery) - 2006. Wow! Congrats to him.

How to build an Android app

Welcome to Android application development! This class teaches you how to build your first Android app. You’ll learn how to create an Android project and run a debuggable version of the app. You'll also learn some fundamentals of Android app design, including how to build a simple user interface and handle user input. Before you start this class, be sure you have your development environment set up. You need to:
1. Download the Android SDK.
2. Install the ADT plugin for Eclipse (if you’ll use the Eclipse IDE).
 3. Download the latest SDK tools and platforms using the SDK Manager. If you haven't already done these tasks, start by downloading the Android SDK and following the install steps. Once you've finished the setup, you're ready to begin this class. This class uses a tutorial format that incrementally builds a small Android app that teaches you some fundamental concepts about Android development, so it's important that you follow each step.
Start the first lesson. . .